art and artists

Art & Artists

Art & Artists “– Is That Art – Or Can I Clean It Up?

This is a question an art museum cleaner forgot to ask in 2011 when she failed to see the artistic value of Martin Kippenberger’s work When it Starts Dripping from the Ceiling and scrubbed the bucket – which was part of the installation – clean! We suspect many visitors to modern art museums around the world might have made the same mistake! Here at ADDucation we’re generally open to interesting and provocative new art forms but on our Art and Artists pages we’re focused on cramming important artistic milestones and creators of art down the centuries into manageable and memorable lists. We’ll leave you to decide whether it’s art or not, after all beauty is always in the eye of the beholder…

Famous Artists G-M

famous paintings
Famous Paintings by Famous Artists G to M ADDucation's list of famous paintings and painters was compiled by Robert Junker, ...

Famous Artists N-Z

best painters of all time
List of Famous Artists N to Z - Including Best Painters of All Time ADDucation Tips: Click column headings with ...

Famous Artists A-F

famous artists
Famous Artists from A-Z: Although not considered one of the famous artists himself, George Woodcock, Canadian writer and anarchist thinker, ...

Famous Sculptors 💡

famous sculptors
Famous Sculptors💡What is Sculpture? According to Tom Stoppard, a UK playwright: It is not hard to understand modern art. If ...

Famous Architects

famous architects
Famous Architects and Their Major Works 🏛️ Overview of famous architects in history, their best known works including traditional and ...

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